Mittwoch, 7. November 2007

another great linklist to billard /billiard

Some Folks ask me, why I am writing all this all about billard: I tell You. I have a little sister whatever this means when an old man has a little sister. She had the Idea of making an internet Enterprise about Billard - this was one of her Ideas. This blog is just to help her to get ressurces together -helping to do the recherche-work. iam stillnot sying it would be a good Idea to strt a business in this field, but its funn to carry the hobby stuff together

with the two downmost Linklists she now would have the Informational foundation of nearly everything of interest in the field.

Altough the following list is in german you will find a lot of english /american pages
with lots of tut0rials like this one

or barbs billard Art

and an all american billard linklist

and this is the citated german linklist

Lots of stuff to read my dear readers, lots of material to start off for a homepage with billard for yourself. Why dont you go and see otehr ojects like

And I would like to get in contact with other hobby builders of sites, to optimize this one.

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